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9 Ways To Improve Insomnia

Updated: Aug 17, 2023

Hi Everyone! As a nurse, I am always striving to help people improve sleep behaviors. I encourage you to check out these Top 9 Ways to Improve Insomnia and get a better night of sleep.

  1. Avoid using your bed for anything other than sleep. Using it for other agendas causes your brain to see your bed as an awake time. This disrupts the brain's wake/sleep cycle.

  2. Try Light Therapy. Try using a light of at least 10000 LUX upon awakening for 30-60 minutes each day. This light improves sleep, mood, energy & focus.

  3. Avoid Caffeine after noon.

  4. Avoid Alcohol at bedtime.

  5. Exercise Regularly. Now, this does not mean run 10 miles a day. This means keep YOUR body active. So, although, that could mean running 10 miles a day, do what your body specific body can handle. Go for a walk, stretch, clean the house, play fetch with your dog, etc...

  6. Avoid Blue Light Before Bed. Shut off the phones, iPads, and TVs. This one may be hard for many, as we live in a society where our brains feeds off of electronics.

  7. Increase Light During the Day. Get outside! Enjoy the natural sunlight. It is so important for our bodies and minds to engulf Vitamin D. Now, this has its limits just like anything else.

  8. Ground Your Body. This is a newer phenomenon. It means go outside barefoot and vulnerable to the environment. This has been used for centuries, but now we are seeing more data suggesting how this balances the body.

  9. Salt Lamp. Salt lamps improve the air quality of your home. More specifically, they are advertised as being beneficial for people with allergies, asthma, or diseases that affect respiratory function, such as cystic fibrosis. Salt lamps also help you unwind and improve your mood to help you sleep at night.

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